Permanent researchers

Area 1: Collective inventiveness and creativity of knowledge

Head of the research area

Véronique Dassié, CR CNRS


Rémi Astruc, PR CY
Julien Bellarbre, PRAG CY
Hélène Bernier, MCF CY
Chiara Bortolotto, CY Advanced Studies, holder of the UNESCO Chair "Intangible Cultural Heritage and Sustainable Development" (temporary researcher)
Véronique Dassié, CR CNRS
Cécile Doustaly, PR CY
Juan Du, MCF CY
Christine Laurière, CR CNRS
Marie-Barbara Le Gonidec, IE Ministry of Culture
Vincent Marcilhac, MCF CY
Agnès Tachin, MCF CY
Thierry Wendling, CR CNRS


Area 2: Experiences, practices, actors in the cultural and literary fields

Head of the research area

Chantal Lapeyre, PR CY


Julie Amiot-Guillouet, PR CY
Luisa Ballesteros, MCF HDR Em
Corinne Blanchaud, MCF CY
Peggy Blin-Cordon, MCF CY
Claire Bouvier, MCF CY
Sylvie Brodziak, PR Em
Yannicke Chupin, MCF CY
Guillaume Coatalen, MCF HDR CY
Claude Coste, PR CY
Marion Coste, PRAG CY
Jacques David, MCF Em CY & INSPE
Marie Delannoy, MCF CY
Juliette Drigny, MCF CY
Violaine Houdart-Merot, PR Em
Geoffroy Huard, MCF CY
Chantal Lapeyre, PR CY
Jean-Christophe Monferran, IE CNRS
Françoise Moulin-Civil, PR Em
Nicole Nguyen Berger, contrat CY lecturer-researcher
Peggy Pacini, MCF CY
Gérald Peloux, MCF HDR CY
AMarie Petitjean, PR CY
Jean-François Puff, PR CY
David Reckford, contrat CY lecturer-researcher
François Ropert, MCF CY & INSPE
Camille Rouquet, MCF CY
Fernando Stefanich, PRAG CY
Cécile Vincent-Cassy, PR CY
Claudie Voisenat, IR Ministry of Culture


Area 3: Knowledge and modes of transmission

Head of the research area

Valérie Toureille, PR CY


Vivien Barrière, MCF CY
Emilie Dosquet, MCF CY
Anne-Julie Etter, MCF CY
Patrick Garcia, PR CY
Bénédicte Girault, MCF CY
Anne Lehoërff, PR CY
Jean-Claude Lescure, PR CY
Maxime Martignon, contrat CY lecturer-researcher
Véronique Moulinié, DR HDR CNRS
François Pernot, PR CY
Sylvie Sagnes, CR CNRS
Valérie Toureille, PR CY
Eric Vial, PR CY