le 18 octobre 2022
  • Recherche

Publié le 13 octobre 2022 Mis à jour le 14 octobre 2022

Photography and Text in Feminist autotheoretical art of the long 1970s in the United States

Bernadette Mayer Memory
Bernadette Mayer Memory

Conférence "Photography and Text in Feminist autotheoretical art of the long 1970s in the United States" d'Hannah Van Hove (postdoctorante à l’université Vrije de Bruxelles, chercheure invitée à Héritages), le 18 octobre 2022, de 16h à 18h, en visioconférence


Photography and Text in Feminist autotheoretical art
of the long 1970s in the United States

Hannah Van Hove 
(chercheure post-doctorale à l’université Vrije de Bruxelles,
invitée à CY Cergy Paris Université/Héritages)

Mardi 18 octobre 2022

En visioconférence :

During the 1970s a number of women artists working in the US incorporated photography and text in their conceptual art work, drawing attention to the ways in which the gendered subject is positioned within existing societal structures. This seminar will focus on Adrian Piper’s Concrete Infinity Documentation Piece (1970) and Bernadette Mayer’s Memory (1972), reading their autotheoretical engagements with photography and text in the context of the sociopolitical awakenings engendered by the Women’s Liberation Movement and the American civil rights and anti-war movements.

Hannah Van Hove is Assistant Professor of the interdisciplinary Honours Programme and postdoctoral research fellow at Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB). She works on various aspects of British twentieth-century and contemporary literature, with an emphasis on (late) modernism, experimental fiction and women's writing. At present, she is working on her first monograph on the topic of identity and gender in British experimental women’s fiction. Her next research project aims to look at the interrelationships of neo-avant-garde art and literature in the US. She has published reviews and articles on mid-twentieth century avant-garde fiction and has translated some of Flemish modernist Paul van Ostaijen’s poetry. Together with Andrew Radford, she is the editor of British Experimental Women’s Fiction, 1945-1975: Slipping Through the Labels (Palgrave Macmillan, 2021). She is Chair of the Anna Kavan Society, sits on the editorial board of the Journal for Literary and Intermedial Crossings and is a member of the VUB’s Centre for Literary and Intermedial Crossings and the artistic research group Deep Histories Fragile Memories.