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Séminaire 2022-2023 d'AGORA
Research seminar 2022-2023
“Liberalism and Conservatism at a crossroads:
exploring the notion of society and the individual
(19th-21st centuries)”
CY Cergy Paris Université (AGORA) & Université de Tours (ICD)
Fridays from 2-4pm either in Cergy, Paris (FMSH) or in Tours and always online
- 30 Sept. 2022: Dr Dominic Burbidge (Faculty of Law, University of Oxford), “The Nature of Power, or Lack Thereof, for Understanding the Relationship between Society and the Individual” – at FMSH, 54 Bd Raspail, 75006 Paris, room B01-01 /hybrid (https://cyu-fr.zoom.us/j/99733727010 / ID de réunion : 997 3372 7010).
- 21 Oct 2022: Dr Edmund Neill (History Department, The New College of the Humanities at Northeastern University), Discussion on his latest book Conservatism (Polity Press, 2021) – at CY Cergy Paris Université/hybrid (https://cyu-fr.zoom.us/j/98811430421?pwd=MTVPbVpwL1hXUjR1bktsWGhDbGJQQT09 / ID de réunion : 988 1143 0421 / Code secret : 45812850).
- 2 Dec. 2022: Prof. Chandran Kukathas (School of Social Sciences, Singapore Management University), “What is Capitalism?” - at CY Cergy Paris Université/hybrid (https://cyu-fr.zoom.us/j/92924994777?pwd=MFRlNUVjbjZTSVpGM2x5YUxwWG1JQT09 / ID de réunion : 929 2499 4777 / Code secret : 01917309).
- 17 Feb. 2023: Prof. Françoise Orazi (Université de Lyon II) – “Through thick and thin: how much freedom for the individual in Liberal thought?” – online (https://cyu-fr.zoom.us/j/92288895777?pwd=OXAzbXd2am16UnhOdVNqUGNyaDJMUT09 / ID de réunion : 922 8889 5777 / Code secret : 70913844).
- 17 March 2023: Prof. Peter Dorey (Cardiff University) – “Title to be announced” – online (https://cyu-fr.zoom.us/j/95613433146?pwd=M0JvV2RWV2p2OGdvcEhka0hxY2M1dz09 / ID de réunion : 956 1343 3146 / Code secret : 39049474).
- 21 April 2023: Prof. Tim Bale (Queen Mary University, London) – On his last book “Beyond Brexit: The Conservatives” – at FMSH, 54 Bd Raspail, 75006 Paris /hybrid (https://cyu-fr.zoom.us/j/95613433146?pwd=M0JvV2RWV2p2OGdvcEhka0hxY2M1dz09 / ID de réunion : 956 1343 3146 / Code secret : 39049474).
- 26 May 2023: Prof. Jeremy Jennings (King’s College, London) – “Travels with Tocqueville beyond America: A Year in Tours” – In Tours /hybrid (https://cyu-fr.zoom.us/j/93990857874?pwd=Wm1SYXJLbHR1eTNBcXQzU2Y3L0Rldz09 / ID de réunion : 939 9085 7874 / Code secret : 41860857).
CY Cergy Paris Université, Laboratoire AGORA
- Catherine Marshall, PR Histoire et civilisation britannique, coorganisatrice
- Emmanuelle De Champs, PR Histoire et civilisation britannique
- Yann Giraud, PR Histoire de la pensée économique, directeur d’AGORA
- Stéphane Porion, MCF Civilisation britannique – coorganisateur
- Nathalie Anna Champroux, PR Civilisation britannique